Douglas County Solicitation Attorneys
Facing Solicitation Charges in West Georgia? Get Help Now!
Solicitation and prostitution are very similar to assault and battery in that they are often associated with one another, although one may be charged without the other. Being charged with solicitation means that an individual is accused of offering to pay for sexual favors like intercourse, oral sex, and more. If the person being offered the money accepts payment, then they may be charged with prostitution as well.
It is important to be aware that solicitation convictions occur in cases where no money changed hands, and even if the person rejects the offer. Law enforcement agencies commonly set up operations focused on catching illegal activity regarding solicitation and prostitution, and their sometimes-overzealous pursuit of arrests can lead to critical errors.
This is one sound strategy that a Douglas County criminal defense attorney may initiate, although there are many other proven and creative methods that may be employed. Solicitation is a misdemeanor which may impose up to 1 year in jail upon conviction, although prison terms up to 20 years may be sentenced if the person being solicited was a minor under the age of 18.
Dallas Solicitation Lawyers Serving West Georgia & Metro Atlanta
Solicitation is a misdemeanor in most cases, although the impact of conviction can still be detrimental to one's family and social life, as well as employment. Howard Law Group understands the crucial necessity to provide top-level defense representation to clients who have been charged with solicitation because a robust criminal defense strategy is the only real option for the best chance at minimized penalties, downgraded charges, or even not guilty verdicts.
The firm's attorneys believe in working closely with clients to understand their view of the events, and will also research any and all available information pertaining to the case in order to develop the best strategy. From Carrollton to Douglasville and across the Metro Atlanta area, Howard Law Group is dedicated to protecting West Georgia residents from these damaging charges.
If you have been arrested for soliciting sexual acts from another person, contact a Douglas County solicitation lawyer with a record of success.